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Are you looking to integrate parts of your Office 365 account with other software?

If you have information in your Office 365 applications (e.g. Outlook, Word, OneDrive, Excel etc) that you need to use in other software, you can connect these together by integrating them. 

Likewise, if you have information in your other software that you need to see in your Office 365 applications, this can be done too!

Some typical examples are...

create and send emails in Outlook using data from a marketing form

create or update rows in Excel using data received via email

create Outlook Calendar events from customer interactions recorded in your CRM

automatically store attachments from emails in OneDrive

We can help you connect your Office 365 applications to the software you use everyday. In doing so, this will immediately streamline your operations!

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By integrating your Office 365 with your other software, you will save admin time in copying/pasting information between systems, improve the accuracy of the information you store, improve your customer service and much more!

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